Craig Hemke

598 days ago

Video: Are the Mining Stocks Starting to Gather Momentum?

Writer Craig Hemke, founder of TF Metals Report, says he expected a macro dip in 2022 but anticipated a faster recovery to a higher level than what transpired. The Fed hiked more than most expected as inflation got ahead of it, and the extent of the damage remains unknown.


1128 days ago

Video: The Dollar is a one way bet, Confidence is Grinding Lower

Analyst Craig Hemke, founder of TF Metals Report is no fence sitter. Craig discusses the growing shift in wealth inequality since the untethering of the dollar from the gold standard. The ending of the gold standard required faith and confidence in the US government. Today, that confidence is steadily waning.


1473 days ago

Video: Fed has Triggered Inflationary Avalanche, follow Buffett and buy gold

And if analyst Craig Hemke is correct, you just have to buy precious metals exposure, especially gold.
